Our missionOUT MetroWest builds communities where LGBTQ+ youth thrive.

OUT MetroWest

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Ways to help


OUT MetroWest is able to provide outstanding programming thanks to supportive adults who believe in our mission. Opportunities to contribute include occasional volunteering in our office, purchasing snacks or grocery gift cards to help feed youth participants, and providing donations that help fund speakers and materials for our youth programs.
  • Occasional, Monthly
  • Teens, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Office work, Indoor
  • None
  • Weekdays
How you helpEach year, we serve more than 300 LGBTQ+ and allied youth. Thanks to your support, OUT MetroWest participants make friends, connect with adult role models, and feel safe and affirmed. By donating to OUT MetroWest, you are building communities where LGBTQ+ youth thrive.
About usOUT MetroWest runs social, educational, and supportive meetings for LGBTQ+ youth. We run more than a dozen meetings each month for middle and high school youth, as well as a series of events for gender expansive young children and their families. Our programs are offered free of charge and connect youth with supportive peers and affirming adult role models. We also offer community trainings around LGBTQ+ topics for organizations, both online and in-person.
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