Conversation with an experienced person about ways to generate revenue or improve current revenue generating programs related to your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about a strategy for effectively showing appreciation and communicating successes with current donors; also attracting new donors aligned with your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about developing, implementing, hosting, content management, or improving a successful brand identity for your organization
Conversation with an experienced person about designing a program to meet your organization’s goals and mission
Conversation with an experienced person about developing new or reviewing current staff training materials to meet your staff’s requirements
Conversation with an experienced person to develop a consistent messaging platform for your brand, identity, unique contributions, pitch, emails, brochures, etc
Conversation with an experienced person to develop a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between your organization and your audience in areas including a PR calendar, media relations, news releases, speeches, press kits, etc
Conversation with an experienced person about creating clear and engaging copy for marketing and communications
Conversation with an experienced person about requirements, writing meaningful job descriptions, developing standards for evaluating candidates, tools, services, etc for recruiting staff, board, and volunteers to effectively achieve your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about applying for grants, developing a grant template, writing a grant proposal, creating a grant budget, etc